11,000,000+ Products Priced

Pricing for Businesses Made Easy

Text-to-Price AI Models

We build comprehensive pricing models to give businesses detailed pricing analysis in seconds

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Integrate Pricing Models directly into existing workflows

thnkrAI's API seamlessly integrates into any enterprise backend workflow with just 10 lines of code

Generate Competitive Prices

Upgrade your pricing strategies competitive prices, generated in seconds to drive profits and save you hundreds of hours researching, comparing, and analyzing.

96% Accuracy
500+ Hours Saved
thnkrAI Contact
Analyze Millions of Products

Use thnkrAI's General Pricing Model to analyze massive product datasets to gather insights just from text data

import thnkrSDK as thnkr

username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"

model = "general_v1"
product_title = "EXAMPLE_TEXT"

pred = thnkr.predict(model, product_title, username, password)
See our pricing page for more information
Get Started

Better Pricing Insights

Powerful, fast pricing models to help you price, analyze, and increase profits

Price Any Product

Our models were trained on millions of products for adaptability

Save Hundreds of Hours

Price products at scale 7x faster, saving up to 98% in time

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Build Models Tailored To Your Specific Needs

Customizable Models, Tailored Results

Use custom data to fine-tune thnkrAI's General Pricing Model on specific datasets. Achieve highly personalized predictions tailored to your unique business needs.

Seamless Integration

thnkrAI's API seamlessly integrates into any enterprise backend workflow with just 10 lines of code, providing the easiest way to price all your products.

Generate Price Predictions in Seconds

Get competitive prices from our model just by using product text data - no encoding necessary.

thnkrAI General Pricing Model

Implement Models Trained from Millions of Products

Products Priced
Reduce Costs

thnkrAI eliminates the need for other price comparison services, platforms, or employees to do pricing research.

Unlock Insights

See what you should price your products for from text data, in seconds.

Save Time

Integrate thnkrAI into your backend workflow for 7x faster product pricing.

45-day free trial!
Ready to start your pricing journey?

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500+ Hours Saved per month
thnkrAI Perks
Free 45-day trial
No credit card required
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which tier is best for me?
How does it work?
How can I request support?
What does the price prediction endpoint do exactly?
What does lifetime access mean?
Do you offer a free trial?
Try our models for 45 free days, no commitment necessary

Price thousands of products in seconds and save hundreds of hours